Thursday, October 23, 2008

grid art project comments

Grid Art Project comments:
I think overall everyones project turned out really well, it was interesting to see what people came up with, and they were all very creative.

Victor: I really liked your idea of putting pacman on a frying pan grid, your use of the frying pan was really creative!
Colleen: The eye idea was very pretty, I liked how you showed it normal first, then with the grid on it.
Taylor: Your reflecting grids were really inventive, it made everything in the mirror into a grid, it looked really nice!
Makayla: I really liked your idea of putting it onto a lamp shade, it must be really cool looking when the light is on as well.
Ryan: I could kind of see how yours way a grid, seeing as how pacman is on a grid, yours was just sideways.
John: I loved your giraffe out of coffee, it was really different from the rest!
Perri: I really liked the bright colors you used to stick in your grid, it was very pretty.
Stacy: Yours looked like it took forever, it turned out really bright and pretty.
Bernadette: Yours turned out very bright and pretty, I liked how you used the beads to make the actual grid.
Matt: I really liked that your made your grid on a door, it was very unique.
Adam: Your project was very good, I like that you used Christmas lights to light different parts of your grid.
Murad: I liked that you used table mats with an existing grid, it was something no one else did.
Shawn: I really liked that you did yours on a chess board, it turned out very nice.
Brenden: The picture of the wave turned out very nice, great job!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Grid Art Project

Here is a picture of my final grid project. I got a cardboard poster and created a grid with thumbtacks, i then used rubber bands to make a flower. The picture does not really do it justice and it looks a lot better when you actually see it in person. I enjoyed this project and liked to see everyones ideas, it was really interesting to see everybodys interpretation of "grid art".

Flipbook Animations

I'm a little behind on my posts, due to some technical difficulties and the fact that I could not remember my user name or password until now. In class we had a project where we had to make a 200 page flipbook animation. I love flowers so of course I chose to do a flower growing. I started with a seed on the ground, I then made the flower stem start growing and swirling around then the flower growing. I also made a sun rising behind the flower. The flower grew larger and larger, then as I made the sun setting it became smaller until it eventually died and went back into the seed. The overall process of creating the flipbook was very tedious. But I am very proud of the overall product. After seeing everybody else's projects I was very impressed. I would post some pictures of it but naturally my camera is not working now either!