Saturday, November 22, 2008

Performance Art Piece

For my performance art piece, I painted using blacklight paint. Before class I painted on the back "Technology Reveals Art" and during the performance in class I painted a quick picture of flowers. The paint I used was blacklight paint so it didn't really show up in normal light. When I was done painting we went into a dark room and turned the blacklight on and showed the picture, then I flipped it over to the back and showed the saying on the back. Overall I liked doing this project, and I really enjoyed watching everybody else's performances.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Xerox Project

Xerox project

For my xerox project i chose to make some sort of creature, in the center i put a picture of my face then did my chest, and arms. I attached my feet to the ends of my arms which made it look very strange. I then xeroxed my hands in different positions and put them coming out of my hear and at the bottom of the page. I then xeroxed some of my jewelry and some things that I had with me, such as keys and some change just to add some smaller details into the picture. Overall I really like how it turned out, although it was kind of embarrassing sticking my head into the machine!

Xerox Project Comments:

Taylor: I really liked that you did your project on mirror, it turned out really nice and the fact that you colored the flowers made it really pretty.
Adam: your idea of actually reconstructing an art piece was really unique, it turned out great!
Makayla: I really liked your overall concept, and the fact that you put a quote on their and the money, it was really creative.
Murad: yours turned out really nice, i liked the henna inspired details you added wo it.
Colleen: i really liked the message that yours portrayed, and the fact that you put it on brightly colored paper.
Perry: i liked your idea of making a weird creature using your arms and legs, it turned out really good.
Ryan: putting the xerox copies onto a lamp was a really good idea, the layers it created made it look really good when the light was on, and looked completely different when it was off.
Bernadette: i think yours turned out really pretty, and liked you idea of putting different words into the collage as well.
Ashley: yours was really good, i like that you did all different parts of your body, even your name tag, and it was funny that you had yourself smiling in the xerox copies as well.
Mathew: i liked that you put your in a box instead of just on a poster board, and i liked that you moved your hands made the prints really creative.
Laura: i liked that you just used your hands to create the shape of a dragon, it was exactly like doing shadow puppets!
Shawn: i like that yours showed lots of movement, and the fact that you put it on a red and black background made it stand out alot!
Stacy: i liked the quote that you put on it and the fact that you made it into the shape of a butterfly, it turned out really pretty.
Victor: I like that you scanned pretty much all parts of your body, nobody else did as much as you, it was really nice.
John: i like that you did it with your eyes open, it turned out really cool and the fact that you faded yours from black to white, it turned out really nice.